Operation Back to School

Our friends inspired us. Gabriella inspired us. Now, in witnessing the generosity of others, we are inspired to do the same for other children facing such devastating circumstances. Operation Back to School is a direct result of this inspiration, born from our work on Gabriella's Gifts.

Gabriella's Gifts is a part of the Gabriella's Smile Foundation focused on providing children with cancer and their families in San Antonio area hospitals an opportunity to experience joy and smiles in the midst of their difficult journey. Operation Back to School is targeted on fulfilling educational needs for these children as a part of the Gabriella’s Gifts program.

Since 2016, we have served over 1,300 children with backpacks and delivered them to oncology clinics in local children's hospitals. The backpacks are gifted to these brave cancer warriors and their siblings annually before the start of each school year. Our 2023 goal is to provide 300 new backpacks filled with school supplies to children battling cancer and their siblings.

With our new Children’s Cancer Support Center now open, we have designated that as our official drop off location. Donate new backpacks and new school supplies. Items most needed are: backpacks, notebooks, pencils, erasers and other related school supplies at 477 Spencer Lane San Antonio, Texas 78201 during the month of July. In addition to the backpacks we would like to provide each family with gas and grocery cards. Additional funds donated to will go directly to support our ongoing Children’s Cancer Support Center.

Backpacks will be distributed to our cancer families at our Summer Bash event on Saturday, August 05 at 10 AM and also taken to the local oncology clinics. You can also choose to sponsor or make a monetary donation. Learn more here.

Drop Off Locations

Sign up as a drop off location here: San Antonio